

Anti-Heróis Tomam Conta do Cinema!!!

Primeiramente, Kick-Ass estreiou nas bilheterias nacionais esta semana e, abaixo, a promessa do ano que vem: 'The Green Hornet', personificado pelo hilário Seth Rogen, protagonista de 'Ligeiramente Grávidos' e 'Pagando Bem Que Mal Tem?'.


New Single - Katy Perry 'California Gurls'

Está confirmado: Katy Perry é mesmo  louca! Como se não bastasse estar noiva daquele bizarro daquele inglês - o cantor famoso de 'Ressaca de Amor' - ela quis dar uma 'resposta' à música de titio Jay-Z 'Empire State of Mind'. Galera, por mais que a Alicia Keys seja a Alicia Keys e apareça de calça coladíssima, este abaixo é completamente diferente: e nesta toada, agradecemos à loucura de lady Perry. Parabéns pelo algodão doce!

JABULANI - a razão dos frangos???

O Retorno

Hello Everyone,

After a brief sort of hangover, sort of gap between my birthday and the well deserved celebrations, I return with two videos extracted from the documentary 'The Genius of Design, by the amazing BBC. Enjoy!

Ow! I will post the last three chapters of the Venus Project, but I thought that this would please after this small hangover!

The Genius of Design ep1 from Genius of Design 1 on Vimeo.

The Genius of Design ep2 from Genius of Design 1 on Vimeo.



The Venus Project - 1 a 3/6

'The Venus Project' é um projeto ambicioso,internacional que visa criar um futuro melhor HOJE!
Mostrarei nos próximos 2 dias os 6 vídeos do porque a gente pode mudar o futuro através de tecnologias do presente.





Melhor Propaganda de Futebol em Época de Copa

'The Quest' começa no melhor dia do ano: 11 de Junho!

Lista de 7 Blogs Bacanas Voltados para Comida

The blog of London café owner Shelagh Ryan feels well grounded and sensible. It is less food obsessed than many.
Niamh Shields shares do-able recipes and takes her integrity seriously.
Lizzie writes great, if long, reviews about food and travel.

I like the juxtaposition of food writer Neil Davey's reports of exotic gastronomic experience with his second blog, which tells the story of his struggle with his weight.
Simon Majumdar and the mysteriously named Hermano 1 are restaurant-obsessed critics who get everywhere. Good, fair critiques.
Anthony Silverbrow writes on wider subjects connected to food, and excellently, too.




The Eyewriter from Evan Roth on Vimeo.

Daniel Pink Sobre o Universo Criativo do Século XXI

Vídeo-entrevista feito com DanielPink, autor do livro 'Drive', que conta um pouco sobre o tópico do livro. De como as diretrizes mudaram na virada do século. Não mudaram de mão por assim dizer, mas sim, de lado do cérebro. Da nossa caxias maneira de ver do século XX baseado no lado esquerdo do cérebro, para o futuro criativo do ensino através do lado direito da cabeça.
Boa entrevista, bem bacana!


Mudança de Nome

O Nome do Blog não foi a melhor escolha de nome que tive na minha vida. Estava insatisfeito e cansei de ser zuado pelo querido mala do meu amado professor Marcy 'Hulk' Giannelli.
Espero que goste Marcy!
E vocês que ousam ler e ver o que publico também!


Para o prof. Márcio 'Hulk'Giannelli !

O valor de uma ideia boa!

Muita gente acha que o foda é o cara que inova, que cria algo que nunca foi criado. Mais foda é o cara que usa as coisas banais de todos os dias e transforma em algo que você fala: F-O-D-A!
Abaixo, um dos melhores exemplos disso, que me deparei nesta madruga.

As melhores ideias são as que a gente sempre pensa depois: Que coisa besta! Por que não pensei nisso antes???


Criatividade beira Loucura!!!

Texto retirado do site da BBC News:

Dedico à todos os idiotasque resolveram, como eu, fazer design!


Creative minds 'mimic schizophrenia'

Page last updated at 1:32 GMT, Saturday, 29 May 2010 2:32 UK
Salvador Dali Artist Salvador Dali is known for his surreal paintings and eccentric personality
Creativity is akin to insanity, say scientists who have been studying how the mind works.
Brain scans reveal striking similarities in the thought pathways of highly creative people and those with schizophrenia.
Both groups lack important receptors used to filter and direct thought.
It could be this uninhibited processing that allows creative people to "think outside the box", say experts from Sweden's Karolinska Institute.
In some people, it leads to mental illness.
But rather than a clear division, experts suspect a continuum, with some people having psychotic traits but few negative symptoms.
Art and suffering Some of the world's leading artists, writers and theorists have also had mental illnesses - the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh and American mathematician John Nash (portrayed by Russell Crowe in the film A Beautiful Mind) to name just two.
Creativity is known to be associated with an increased risk of depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Thalamus The thalamus channels thoughts Similarly, people who have mental illness in their family have a higher chance of being creative.
Associate Professor Fredrik Ullen believes his findings could help explain why.
He looked at the brain's dopamine (D2) receptor genes which experts believe govern divergent thought.
He found highly creative people who did well on tests of divergent thought had a lower than expected density of D2 receptors in the thalamus - as do people with schizophrenia.
The thalamus serves as a relay centre, filtering information before it reaches areas of the cortex, which is responsible, amongst other things, for cognition and reasoning.
"Fewer D2 receptors in the thalamus probably means a lower degree of signal filtering, and thus a higher flow of information from the thalamus," said Professor Ullen.
Creative people, like those with psychotic illnesses, tend to see the world differently to most. It's like looking at a shattered mirror
Mark Millard UK psychologist
He believes it is this barrage of uncensored information that ignites the creative spark.
This would explain how highly creative people manage to see unusual connections in problem-solving situations that other people miss.
Schizophrenics share this same ability to make novel associations. But in schizophrenia, it results in bizarre and disturbing thoughts.
UK psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society Mark Millard said the overlap with mental illness might explain the motivation and determination creative people share.
"Creativity is uncomfortable. It is their dissatisfaction with the present that drives them on to make changes.
"Creative people, like those with psychotic illnesses, tend to see the world differently to most. It's like looking at a shattered mirror. They see the world in a fractured way.
"There is no sense of conventional limitations and you can see this in their work. Take Salvador Dali, for example. He certainly saw the world differently and behaved in a way that some people perceived as very odd."


  • Writer Virginia Woolf
  • Painter Vincent van Gogh
  • Painter Salvador Dali
  • Painter Edvard Munch
  • Composer Robert Schumann
  • Mathematician John Nash
  • Pianist David Helfgott
He said businesses have already recognised and capitalised on this knowledge.
Some companies have "skunk works" - secure, secret laboratories for their highly creative staff where they can freely experiment without disrupting the daily business.
Chartered psychologist Gary Fitzgibbon says an ability to "suspend disbelief" is one way of looking at creativity.
"When you suspend disbelief you are prepared to believe anything and this opens up the scope for seeing more possibilities.
"Creativity is certainly about not being constrained by rules or accepting the restrictions that society places on us. Of course the more people break the rules, the more likely they are to be perceived as 'mentally ill'."
He works as an executive coach helping people to be more creative in their problem solving behaviour and thinking styles.
"The result is typically a significant rise in their well being, so as opposed to creativity being associated with mental illness it becomes associated with good mental health."


No Tra$h New York

Propaganda idealizada pela IDEO, empresa de inovação em design. Numa utópica Nova York de 2030, a cidade seria a mais limpa segundo o tratado de Copenhagen...
Sonho com uma Terra da Garoa assim!
Façamos nossa parte e quem sabe?

NO TRASH NYC 2030 from IDEO on Vimeo.


6o Troféu GameWorld

Olá People,

Confiram: ! Já tem data marcada: 31 de Março de 2010, no Frei Caneca, serão divulgados os campeões do 6o Troféu GameWorld. Entrem no site, se inscrevam e bom proveito!